Tuesday, October 8, 2013


On Wednesday, October 2nd 2013, a group of motorcyclists were riding on the highway as seen in the video located below in New York and a horrific incident occurred. Allen Edwards, 42 year old biker was the biker, who slows down in the front of the SUV causing a fender binder that caused the bikers to become angry and violent. The bikers all come to a stop including the driver and began to approach the SUV with the driver, his wife and child in the car making threats, hitting the window while simultaneously slicing the tires. The driver states in another interview that his battery was dying. I’m not too sure how true this is but that's another piece of information that was released a few days ago.
Once the driver realized the bikers were going to literally brutally beat him up for accidentally hitting the biker he did what any human who was in danger would have done. That was to drive and get the HELL OUT OF THERE. While the driver of the SUV tried to save his life along with his family’s’ life he accidentally hit another biker who is now paralyzed from the waist down, spine was snapped in two different places with no hope of recovery. “Charges against motorcyclist Allen Edwards were dropped. The 42-year-old biker had originally faced charges of reckless endangerment, criminal mischief and menacing”, the New York City Police Department said.
            In my opinion I feel as though this could have been avoided had the bikers just continued riding and not try to torment those on the road. Sometimes motorcyclists take over the road and forget to be mindful of motor drivers and that it may be hard for us to see them when their dipping from lane to lane in our “BLIND VIEW”. By the biker slowing down  in front of the SUV driver knowing that there was no traffic and he could sped up and got out of the way this could have been avoided and no one would’ve have been hurt including his friend who is now paralyzed for the rest of his life. I think he should go to jail because he scared and ruined lives at the end of the day.
Leave comments below and let me know what you feel about this situation? Do you think he caused the incident? Do you believe his friend should be upset with changing his life forever? Is there anything the driver could have done to avoid this situation?



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